Thursday, April 26, 2007



Hi, my name is Remo

My dream is to go to the college after the summerholidays. But first, I have to pass the test for the high school and if I am in, comes first the training periode.
In the next weeks, I have to learn for the college-test. After this exame, I'll relaxe for some weeks !
After, in the summer holidays, I'm looking forward to be often outside or do some sport. Important is only to be outside when the sun is shining !




At the end of my summer holidays, I'll start my apprenticeship as Polymechaniker in Winterthur for four years. I'd like to earn some money as a Polymechaniker after the apprenticeship.

In the summer holidays I'll go swimming or do something else outside.



Hi guys, my name is Beat

After the summer holidays I'll go to the college in Winterthur. I hope that I pass the trainig periode there. Than after 4 jears I'd like to go to a University.

In the summer holiday I'll go to Canada for 4 weeks with my family. We'll fly to Vancouver. There we'll have a hotel. After 4 days in the hotel my family and I, we'll travel in a huge camping bus and see this nice country.





Hi together
My name is Amira and I'm fifteen years old. I come from Wiesendangen and I visit the 3rd secondary class. I'm very small and I laugh a lot.=) I love to be together with my friends. Of course, I love also shopping!=D After the school, I'll go to the University. I'll study psychology. I think this is very exciting! After I'll be a forensic medicine. Yes, I know, it is very crazy, but I think this is very intresting! I want also to go abroad. Perhaps to America or Canada. I don't know exactly yet, but I want to learn better English and French. I think Spanish is a wonderful language and later I want also learn this language. I love it to speak many foreign languages, because I love travelling. I want to visit many famous places in the world, like the Niagara Falls or the Chinese Wall. My dream is that in one day I can live and work in another country, where the weather is always warm!



When I finish school I would like to start an apprenticeship. I'll learn to be a farmer. I am looking forward to finish school. I'm going to work on a farm in Andelfingen. To be a farmer is very interesting. You can work with animals and drive a tractor. When I am learning farmer I live by a family. They are very friendly. Before I start the apprenticeship I will have a holiday. I am looking forward to start the apprenticeship and earn money.



After I'll have finished with school, I will start an apprenticeship in the restaurant called National. I will be learning to become a good cook.
Before I start working, I'm looking forward to my summer holidays. At the beginning of my holidays, I will be able to travel to Romania with my confirmand group and our priest. We will be able to see and do a lot. Going to the black see is part of our program, also a visit to the castle of dracula.
When I return from Romania, I'm looking forward to relaxing at home and doing some outdoor activities like going to the swimming pool and playing games.



When I finish the school I start a traineeship. I paint a heating for radiator. The winther are very cold than we need a very god heating. I plane how much wather we need for a heating; how great must be a radiator. My job is very importent than in Switzerland is every winther cold. I'm loking forverd to my traineeship than this is more interesting than school. The earning isn't very big but for me it is enough. I'll buy a new , very good and fast computer.



Hiii my name is Sarina. I live in Wiesendangen with my familiy. I'm 15 years old.
In my free time I like horse riding, I read a lot of books, I hung up with my friends, I go shopping in the city and I go to the Cevi (that's a teenager assosiation).
I'm looking forward to finishing my school. In the end of August I would like to start an other school. It's the FMS. I would like to go with my friends. In the frist year I will learn diffrent things. And in the second and third year we have to chose one way in the subjects. I don't know which subject I will do, but I hope I will find the right one for me.
Im looking forward of a new part of my live.
When my dream doesn't come true than I go in the tenth school year or I go in an other country and learn another language.
Bye chlini



My name's Larissa and I'm 15 years old. Because I finish school here in Wiesendangen in July I hope I pass the test for the FMS. FMS is a school which is not so hard like University but I think it's a very good school. The one thing I'll miss is we can't learn another language. My girlfriends Clod, Ellie, Sarina and Ani are also doing the test. I hope they pass it too then we can all 5 go there together. After the first year there I have to choose a way in the school. I think I'll choose education. Because I would like to have a job where I can work with other people. I don't want to sit in an office and work there I think that's nothing for me. I like children and because of that I'll learn to be a teacher for the 1-3 school years.


Monday, April 23, 2007



Hello People

What's up??
My name is Melina and I'm fifteen years old. I'm in the third secondary school in Wiesendangen. Soon I'll finish the school, then I will start an apprenticeship in the clothing industry in Winterthur. I'm looking forward to finishing the school and start the apprenticeship. I hope that I will like this future and that I can also meet my friends from the school in Wiesendangen.




If the summer says his first "Hello", I mean the first warm days, I'm very happy. I'm looking forward to swimming in or local swimming pool. There we can swim and hang around with friends. If it's warm or hot, the first priority is the swimming pool! =)
If we don't go swimming, we do other activities. For example, we go out in the village, hang around and have fun. I sometimes go to the football place, or I go play tennis. It's great o play with nice weather on the sand court. What I like most in the summer are the clothes, which we can wear. Shorts, an undershirt with a nice shirt. Amazing too are the weekends. You can go out very long, and it's light very very long. In the summer holidays, I will go to Südtirol, and two weeks to the cevi camp. So this is, or will be my summer.I hope it will be fun.



Hello together, my name is Simon.
My class is realy cool! We understand us all good. The most of my friends would make other things then I, that's bad, but I hope we can meet us usually. I wish them good luck!
After the summer holidays I will do a apprenticeship as a polymechanic in Winterthur. I'm looking forward to do this trainee.
Hang on a sec, I'll write more at home...:)



Hey guys
My name is Alessia and I'm 15 years old. I'm in the 9 school year and soon I will finish the school!

After school I'm going to work or I will do the 10. school year for 1 year, and then I do a apprenticeship. I'm looking forward to going out of school and get my own money. I would like to be a business woman. My wish for the future is that I like my job and I don't lose my school friends!



Hello my name is Marco Hug. in august I start my apprenticeship as an Electronicer in Frauenfeld. I try to make the BMS test in April. I hope I get much money to go on holidays. I try to do a test, taht I can drive a motorbike. But before I start my apprenticeship, I go on summerholidays to Corsica. I go 3 weeks to Corsica. I have many friends there. After the holidays I start work and it will go very long to the next holidays. My wish is that I can buy a car or a big motorbike. I wish that I can live in a nice country like Australia, where I musn't work and where I musn't do anything, where I can make holidays the hole time.



heeeyy, I'm Annika and I'm 15 years old. I live in Wiesendangen.

In my free time I love to hang out with my friends. I do also go to the scouts.

In a moth, I will do a test, which is very important for my future. When I pass my examination, I will go to a school in winterthur. My friends do the same test. It would be so much fun if we all five passed the test. In the first schoolyear you will learn diffrent thing. In the other two years, you can choose the way you want to study in a special subject.

I'm looking forward to meet my new way after this schoolyear. I think it will be very exciiting.

Now I spend my time with my friends and enjoy the funny things with them. i hope the time goes fast because I want to have summer. I love to be outside.



After school

When I finish school, I start an apprenticeship by login in the KV in the open circulation. I'm learning there to work in a central control station. In the holiday I playing World of Warcraft. I wish I could have holidays for all days. I'm looking forward to have summer holidays. In the summer holidays I'll play Unihockey and computer games. At the 10. July I' have to go to Brugg, because Iget my uniform for my job.



Hello, my name's Patrick.

I had so much fun in this class!! I found many nice frends and had a great time. It's really bad that we have to seperate us in different ways. I think every person will chose the right way for himself.
After my nine scholl years I start an apprenticeship as a business man. My office is really nice, very modern and just great. I really enjoy to do different things after nine years at school.
My wish is to be happy in my job, find ney friends and a new good surrounding. I hope I'll pass the BMS test because that can be very important for my futur. I hope I don't lose the contact to the people from my class. I hope hat every person in my class has a nice futur. =)



My future Plans

Hy everybody, my name is Denise Gianotti and I live in Wiesendangen since five years. I go to the third secondary class of the upper stage. After school and summer holidays I will begin my apprenchiceship as a businesswoman in the hospital. In May of this year I will still complete the BMS examination. I play football in my free time and I also would like to maintain it. If I have time I do things with my friends and on the weekends I do many things with my boyfriend. I would like to help once all poor people in this world. I think everyone can improve the world a little.



Hello my name is Tanja Mäder, I'm 15 years old and I live with my two sisters and my parents on a farm in Buch by Wiesendangen. I'm in the 3 secondary class in Wiesendangen. In August I'll begin an apprenticeship by the administration at the city as an business woman. I'am very happy, that I have this apprenticeship! The apprenticeship goes three years and when I'll have finished the apprenticeship I work 1 year to save money, and than I'll go to Canada with a friend. I hope, that I can go to Canada, because it's my dream and I'll go to Alaska, Ireland and Island too. And when I have the money I'll realy want to emigrate!!!
And I'll live on a horse farm with many animals, because I love them very much. I'll have many horses and two dogs and cats.
I hope that in one day, my big dream comes true.



Hello my name is Elina..
I'm fifteen years old and after school i would like to go to the FMS.

In a short time, we aren't anymore together in one class. When I think about this, it makes me sick. But when I think, that we all can start something new, like a big step, I'm interested in new things.. it doesn't look anymore so sad. I woud like to go to the FMS. Ani,Clod,Sari and Lary also do the test for the FMS.
My wish is it, that we all five past the test, and can go to one class.
The FMS is a forder school, but not so hard like the university. You have one years normal school and in the 2th year, you have to chose one way. Like acution, music or theatre. I would like to learn acution. And then I would be a teacher or a Kinderteacher.
I couldn't image that someone from our class go to work whit 15 or 16 years.
Probably someone I don't see no more.
But I hope, that everyone chose the right way..=) good luck to everyone..=)

Thursday, April 19, 2007


neue Anmeldung!!


Note please!

you have to enter with my e-mail

and the pass word is 'cusinato'

then you have free access to the dashboard

have fun!


Monday, April 02, 2007


I dream of...... I wish I had........

Hi dear Students

Long time ago you wrote some poems. It was nice to read them, especially because at that time, I was still in Melbouren. But time is flying and you have just 3 more school months ahead of you.
What will you all be doing after school? Do you have any plans yet? Any wishes? Any Ideas?
Write about you and what you try or intend to do in August.

1. Write your article.
2. Give it to your teacher for corrections.
3. Put it into the blog.
4. Add a pix of you and your friends when you want.

I expect you to write at least 150 words. :)

Cheers your teacher (mc)

Sunday, April 01, 2007


are you so much better at using computers?


just for fun


compliments for you?

whine means "Jammern"


are you looking for a good job?


Sometimes it's nice to be a teacher.....


all about you....


This is for Sascha and Patrick :)


Ski and Snowboard

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