Thursday, April 26, 2007



Hiii my name is Sarina. I live in Wiesendangen with my familiy. I'm 15 years old.
In my free time I like horse riding, I read a lot of books, I hung up with my friends, I go shopping in the city and I go to the Cevi (that's a teenager assosiation).
I'm looking forward to finishing my school. In the end of August I would like to start an other school. It's the FMS. I would like to go with my friends. In the frist year I will learn diffrent things. And in the second and third year we have to chose one way in the subjects. I don't know which subject I will do, but I hope I will find the right one for me.
Im looking forward of a new part of my live.
When my dream doesn't come true than I go in the tenth school year or I go in an other country and learn another language.
Bye chlini

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