Thursday, July 05, 2007



With your friends in the scout group, you can go trough thick and thinn. Together you do the craziest things. It is never boring!
First you are a wolf or a bee, wolfs are the little boys, bees the little girls. They are between 6 and 12years old.
Then you come to the second level. The scouts meet each other regulary (most of time on saturday afternoon), to do something together.
You’re outside and do sports and play games, chasing bad people or deciphers secret messages. Your chiefs and leaders plan the afternoons and you do the programm that they have prepare.
If you have cool leaders, you will have really fun! ;-)
Once in the year, you go in a camp for one or two weeks. The topic guide you in strange countries or other ages. The evenings are funny and unforgettably.

„All time ready!“

The scout-slogan is: we are „all time ready!“, to fall us into an adventure! Because you are often on tour in the scout, you learn to how to use a map and the compass, build rope-bridges and much more: scout technology evenly!
In your scout-group you are always welcome, and you learn to contribute, to the life in the group.

When you have reached the age of 14-15 years, you can go to a trainee for beginning leaders. You got your own group of scouts together with your additional leaders. You can go to some more trainees and learn much more of leading.


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