Sunday, September 17, 2006


Poem for Cusinato

There was a big "boom",
The whole city heard it,
Planes crashed the WTT,
Thousend of People died,
A very dolorous day!


Hey, dear students!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One again I'm flabergated by what you did!!! How good are these poems!!!
Congratulation to you all!!!

I showed the poems to the teacher here and thy can't believe it either.....!!

Great job! Well done!

Hope you worked that well for the whole 4 weeks.....:)

however, I'm enjoying the last days here in Melbourne.

I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.

Cheers M. Cusinato

Saturday, September 16, 2006



A plane was flown in the tower.
People are jumping out of windows.
On the ground are many ambulance.
Many peolple had a broken leg or arm,.
But the most are dead.


Sunday, September 10, 2006



The 11. September was for the complete world a horror day.
Two planes, hijacked from terroristes, crashed into the twin tower in Manhattan.
The buildings instantly were burning.
Some of people could save escrape their life, but not all.
A lot of firemen rushed into the skyscrapers for putting out the fire.
A few minutes later, both towers collapsed, and all people in it died.

made by Claudine Vollenweider=)


New York 9/11

Two planes crashed into the twin towers in Manhattan.
It was the 11th of September 2001.
The two towers of the world trade center were on fire.
Many fire departments came to fight the fires and rescue people.
The towers were destroyed, many people died.
The place the towers were standing is called ground zero.

written by Mark

Wednesday, September 06, 2006



A disaster, which was caused by terrorists
two airplains hit into one another
this cost the life over 1000 people.
All this on only one day!
On the 11.September 2001

Tanja Mäder



A disaster, which was caused by terrorists
two airplains hit into one another
this cost the life over 1000 people.
All this on only one day!
On the 11.September 2001

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Manhattan on 9/11

In Manhattan on 9/11,
suddenly a crash in heaven,
planes with big power,
crashed into the twin tower.

everywhere was dust and fire, people in fear
run away with tears.

Marco Hug



Two plane are crash in the tower.
Now, it is the ground zero
and the terrorists think:
"We are the hero"


It's a black day for all
The tdie
hover is missing
In the hous is a fire
The pipel in the thower
The rest cry

Ein kleines Gedicht von Paul Hofer

Monday, September 04, 2006



a poem about 9/11.

The 9/11 was a horror day. Many people died.
Two planes crashed into the Twin Towers.
The towers are away then now is there the Ground Zero.


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