Saturday, July 15, 2006


Melbourne I am coming soon.....


Code of conduct

1. Be polite
2. Don't use bad words
3. Always write your first name to your writing!
4. Use your normal, human brain! :)
5. Write in English!


Dear Students

Hello my dear students. As I told you on the last schoolday, here is the blog where you can read what I' m up to in Melbourne.
I don't know yet if I have a lot of free time or if I have to work hard.... I just hope I can relax and enjoy the days downunder....

I am looking forward to meeting new friends, go shopping, discovering Australia and whatshowever....... having fun!!

Well, I just wish you all a very good start with Ms Dumelin after the summer break!
And I would be happy to read some posts, too! Ms Dumelin will give you the password to enter in this blog. Feel free to tell me what's going on in Wisi!
I'm not sure if I really miss the school......but I certainly miss you mates!

Be nice
keep smiling
take care
and study a lot!

your teacher
M. Cusinato

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